Monday, October 8, 2007

Flexibility is Key

Monday's Goals
Exercise: Strength
Calories: 1500

Monday's Accomplishments
Exercise: Strength
Calories: 2000 (decided to swap Tuesday's calorie value for today)

I woke up this morning and did a seriously challenging workout - Jari Love's Ripped 1000. I always feel like I have really worked out after that one!

I had a serious, serious chocolate craving that sent me a bit off the deep end today, so I've had to do some switching around of my calorie values for the week. Today was originally supposed to be a 1500 calorie day and tomorrow a 2000 calorie day, but I decided to switch them to allow for some chocolate indulgence that I really needed. (That's another beautiful feature of this program...the ability to switch calorie value/days). For breakfast I had my usual shake (300). For lunch I had a bowl of the corn soup I made yesterday (424) plus a cheese sandwich (284). After lunch is the when the chocolate craving hit and lucky for me, somebody had brought chocolate Halloween candy into work! So I waaaay indulged (670). I didn't feel like cooking dinner tonight, plus I didn't have that many calories left so I just had some cheese and crackers for dinner (330) - I know....such a healthy diet today!


dlvblueyed said...

You are really smart to switch your days so that you aren't tortured by your cravings! The zig-zagging method really does help with allowing for special treats! Good job with the work out!

Mama Leone said...

It is so hard to resist chocolate, especially when everyone else around you is eating it. But, it's true this zigzagging is great because you can easily switch days or adjust your levels. You're doing great! Keep at it!!