Monday, November 26, 2007

Marvelous Monday

Monday's Goals
Exercise: Strength
Calories: 1800

Monday's Accomplishment
Exercise: Strength
Calories: 1803

I did a tough workout this morning - The Firm: Super Sculpting. Man! I forgot how tough this one is! Lots of lunges and also back work, which is great because a lot of workouts skimp on back work.
My diet was a little odd today but I stayed on target with the calories. I had the usual shake for breakfast (300). For lunch I had leftover breaded tilapia on TJ's Tuscan Pane bread (yum!!!!!) with a little cheddar and mustard (553). I had a pile of candy this afternoon (700) - boy it's amazing how many calories are in a moderately-sized pile of candy. It's no wonder I gained so much weight over the years casually snacking on candy like I used to. Anyway, that didn't leave me many calories for dinner so I had 2 pears (150) and some tortilla chips (100). I know, weird assortment of food. It's a wonder I don't have a stomach ache.

I've been having some interesting experiences lately with comments. I've noticed that lately when people ask about my weight loss and find out I am still actively pursuing further weight loss, they seem surprised and look a little worried, as though I might be going overboard. It's funny...the concerned looks make me smile because trust me, I am FAR from near anorexia and my goal size and weight are very reasonable for my height and within the recommended range on all the medical charts. When I tell people my size, they relax a little - they realize I am not that thin. If they knew the number I weigh, they most certainly would not be concerned. According to medical charts, I am still "overweight". I have to say, though, that at this point I don't think I am overweight (no matter what the charts say) and I certainly don't feel overweight anymore. I would put it this way...when I started this program I perceived my size as BAD. Now I perceive it as GOOD and I am working toward GREAT. (I've always been an A student). But I definitely do not want to go overboard.

I had a very pleasant shopping experience yesterday. I think I told you that my size 14 pants and jeans have gotten loose to the point of clearly not fitting. So I went out shopping to get a couple pairs of dress pants yesterday and I am happy to announce I am most certainly and officially a size 12 now. Boy, what a nice feeling! And get this...SOME medium tops fit me too! (not all, but some). You know I had to buy myself a medium top!

Actually I bought a really pretty red velvety-looking Christmas top recently that I plan to wear on Christmas and at the various holiday parties I am going to in December. And yes, it's a size medium! More incentive not to go off the wagon in December like I usually do every year.

Honestly, I seriously cannot remember the last time I wore a Medium or a size 12 but I can tell you it was YEARS ago. Really, if I think about it, it was about 7 years ago that I was at a size that felt reasonable for me.

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

I am so proud of you for working so hard and "shrinking" in clothes sizes. How exciting to buy new clothes and they are smaller.
You are doing a great job!