Monday, December 3, 2007

Manageable Monday

Monday's Goals
Exercise: Strength
Calories: 1500

Monday's Accomplishments
Exercise: Strength
Calories: 1460

After such a full day of excitement yesterday, I must admit I wasn't really feeling up for the workout this morning. I wasn't my normal energetic self (dlv, I give you lots of credit for exercising regularly when you kids to take care of every day!) Anyway, I am proud to say that despite feeling run down, I dragged my butt into my workout room and forced myself to work out this morning, telling myself that it's December and I can't mess around this month. So I did Tom Holland's Total Body Workout, which, although tough, is only 45 minutes so it's manageable on less-than-energetic mornings.

For breakfast I had my usual shake (300). We had a party at work today and I had 2 slices of pizza and a cup of soda (1,000). For dinner I decided to go very light and had 3 navel oranges (160).

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

The kids can definitely be tiring, but for me, exercising gives me time to myself and energizes me for the busy day ahead. Good job exercising even though you didn't want to!! That was smart of you to have a light dinner since you had izza for lunch. Keep it up!!