Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Monday's Goals
Exercise: Strength
Calories: 1200

Monday's Accomplishments
Exercise: Strength
Calories: 1200

Well, it was a tough day but I did it!

For my strength workout I did Cathe Friedrich's Push Pull, which is a challenging 50-minute workout.

For breakfast I had a shake (320) followed by a small banana oatmeal muffin (I baked yesterday) (75). I made a pita pizza for lunch, topped with mushrooms, onion, lite feta and lite mozzarella (415). That left 390 for dinner and all I felt like having was corn chips, so I had 390 calories worth (I know, not healthy and not that satisfying either).

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

Great job staying within the low limits of 1200 calories!! I am so imspired by your determination.

Keep up the great work!