Saturday, January 19, 2008

Confession Time

Well, I am hiding my face and am ashamed to say I have seriously fallen off the diet wagon this past week. I tried and tried to get back on, but I just couldn't do it.

You're probably wondering why. Well, I've been home on vacation all week working on my masters project and there is something about this endeavor that just psychologically messes with me. I don't know if it is anxiety or stress over worrying whether I can actually do it well, or get it done (I've been procrastinating with this project for a long time) or WHAT. My eating has been total crap this past week and I am sure I have gained some weight back.

That's the bad news. There are a couple good things to report.

First, I have NOT stopped exercising. I have worked out pretty consistently all week, maybe missing 1 or 2 days max. I've been to the gym and I've done some workouts at home too. So I haven't be a TOTAL screw-up.

The other good thing to report is that I am ready to get fully back on the wagon. I actually feel psychologically excited about it and I am tired of being out of control and off the wagon. It will have to wait until tomorrow, though, because today is my birthday celebration with my family and because it's a pizza and cake affair, it's not feasible for this to be the day I get back on the wagon.

So tomorrow, Sunday - I will officially be back on the wagon. Mark my words. Hold me to it. You will see me here regularly again starting tomorrow.

Oh, and I decided I am not even going to do a February 1st weigh in an measurements. I just can't deal with it because I know it won't be good. So I am going to take that pressure off myself and shoot for a really positive weigh-in and measurement on March 1.

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

Great to have you back!! Glad to see you have been exercising regularly. Now that you are ready to get back on the plan I am sure you will do well.