Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Checking in...

Sunday was a rest day and a splurge day, so no need to report everything that day except that I rested, and I splurged!

Yesterday (Monday) I did Tom Holland's Total Body Workout (such a great workout for when I am a little short on time...it's only 40 or 45 minutes long, but challenging, quick-moving and thorough). I fell off the wagon on my diet yesterday because I was just HUNGRY. I think part of the problem was that I went out to lunch with a coworker and we had Thai food. The problem with Thai (like most Asian cuisines) is that I am hungry 3 hours after I eat. So when I got home from work I was so hungry, my stomach was growling. I am not even sure how many calories I went over because I really couldn't count the Thai lunch accurately.

At any rate, my weeks are actually running Tuesday - Monday for this program for January (because January 1 was a Tuesday) so here is my plan for this week:

Tues: Cardio (skating) and 1400
Wed: Strength & 2000
Thurs: Cardio & 1400
Fri: Strength & 3000
Sat: Rest & 1400
Sun: Strength & 2000
Mon: Cardio & 1400

I am going to try to do 1200 calories on the 1400 calorie days (whenever possible) this week to make up for the couple days this week I was off the wagon with my diet. We'll see! 1200 is really difficult for me but really, I need to pay the piper.

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

Glad you had a nice Sunday rest and splurge. I am sure that as you go along this month you will be able to make up for your occassional off the wagon days.
Keep up the great exercise!!