Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Throwing in the towel (sort of...)

Well, I think the time has come to be completely honest with myself. I just don't think I can manage doing this program in a disciplined way right now. I've been fighting against it and trying to keep plodding along and I've been doing fine with my exercise, but the diet is just completely untenable right now.

The thing that's going on is that I am knee deep in my masters thesis and also taking my last masters class and it's stressing me the hell out. It's consuming every bit of my mental energy and focus and I just can't seem to divert any of that focus to this program. I am trying to be conscious about the quantity of what I am eating...I start every day writing down my calories, and every day my goal is to be on track, but I just can't seem to keep on track - the stress and mental distraction is fouling me up big time.

So here is my commitment. I am going to continue to exercise every day and continue to be conscious of the general quantity of what I am eating and really try not to go off the deep end with the diet. I am also going to weigh myself a couple times a week as a monitoring system to prevent myself from going too far off the deep end. But I just cannot mentally handle the calorie counting, weighing, measuring, obsessive food preparation right now. It's just too much.

Okay, so there. I've admitted my temporary defeat. My other commitment to you is that I will try to get onto this blog regularly and report what's going on, so I am still somewhat on the program. But I just can't do the calorie stuff right now.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that I expect to have the draft of my masters thesis done within the next week to two and once that is done, I am immediately going to plow into the big paper/project I have to do for my class. I am not going to procrastinate like I usually do because I need to get these projects done so I can get my focus back onto this program.

Thanks for listening...

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