Monday, February 11, 2008

An Inspiring Story

Here is a spot that was on theToday Show this morning that is very inspiring about a family who teamed up together and lost 500 pounds! Inspired by the show, The Biggest Loser, this family decided to create their own weight loss program (called F.A.S.T. "Families Always Succeed Together") in which they followed these simple rules:

1. Log everything you eat.
2. Meet and weigh in once per week.
3. Exercise every day.
4. Report to each other when you are tempted to cheat.

The thing that really made for their success was having the support system of each other - having people to be accountable to and people who are encouraging and supporting each other.

I realized in watching this that essentially this is what dlvblueyed (my sister-in-law) and me have been doing through these blogs. We've been logging everything we eat, we "meet" regularly on-line through comments on each others' blogs and we weigh in regularly and post our results. We exercise almost every day. The only step that we haven't been doing is reporting when we are tempted to cheat, but I can see how that would be a useful technique to stay on track.

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

I saw this segment this morning as well....I was glad to see that we are following their rules also...we don't always report when we are tempted, but we always report when we ar over our calorie allotment for the day.

I think that what we have been doing as well as that family is inspiring because it proves that you can lose weight without being extreme.