Sunday, February 3, 2008

Skating Saturday

Saturday was my "splurge day" which is always a welcomed relief after calorie counting all week. I ate a lot of good stuff and didn't weigh, measure or write down a damned thing!!!

For my workout, I went to the gym and took the yoga class. I was going to do some cardio and swim too, but decided against it because I was feeling a bit tired. I hadn't gotten a full night's sleep the night before so I just wasn't feeling that energetic.

We went out with some friends later in the evening and after dinner went ice skating together, so that was some more activity. It felt good to be on the ice. I haven't had a chance to go ice skating in over a month and a half (just how things have worked out) but I have been meaning to get back into it again. In fact, this Tuesday and I going back to the usual rink I skate at once every week or two.

I had a strange sensation of deja vu at the ice rink. It was loaded with teenagers and there was a DJ playing the music. I felt like I was back at the roller skating rink of my youth which was my favorite haunt every weekend back then.

Today shouldn't be too difficult because it's a rest day, but also, I just woke up and it's 11:30 a.m. (we were out LATE last night) so I really only need to eat 2 meals today - lunch and dinner.

Here's the plan for the coming week:

Monday: Strength training, 1400
Tuesday: Cardio (ice skating), 2000
Wednesday: Strength, 1400
Thursday: Cardio, 2000
Friday: Strength, 1400
Saturday: Yoga & Swimming, 3000
Sunday: Rest, 1400

Oh, and here is something that is SURE to keep me motivated. Hubby and me just planned a cruise in May to celebrate our anniversary and my impending graduation from graduate school. So if anything can keep me on the wagon, the incentive of looking (and feeling) smashing in my bathing suits and cocktail gowns should do it.

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

Glad to hear you had a fun splurge day! Well an upcoming cruise will surely keep you motivated! All the more reason to have an excuse to go shopping--to buy new bathing suits!! Keep up the good work!