Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thursday Success

Thursday's Exercise Goal: Strength Training

Today I did two workouts. First I did The Firm: Supercharged Sculpting which was about 30 minutes. Then I did Yoga Mind and Body which, I think, was about 40 minutes. I was really craving yoga this morning but didn't want to sacrifice my strength training, so voila! I did both.

It's been a LONG time since I did Yoga Mind & Body. It's one of the videos I've owned the longest...probably 10 years. This is probably the most beautifully produced workout video ever produced. It was filmed at White Sands National Park and it is visually stunning. It has this surreal, mesmerizing quality to it and the music is very cool. It's not a beginner's yoga workout, though. There are some challenging postures in this workout.

Thursday's Calorie Goal: 1400

14o0 days are tough, but I did it!

Shake (320)

Quinoa with peppers, onions, garlic and basil, topped with 2 tbs. grated cheese (490)

Pita pizza topped with onion, mushroom and vegetarian "sausage" and extra cheese (590)

Total Calories: 1400

Today I bit the bullet and got on the scale, something I haven't done in probably a month or so. The bad news is (not surpringly) I've gained some weight back over the past month or so of being on and off the diet wagon (mostly off). The good news is, it's not THAT much - about 4 pounds - which I can easily drop fairly quickly now that I am back on track. My goal is to lose those 4 pounds plus a little more by April 1st. That's put me back to moving forward with my progress.

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

Good for you for the two workout day!! So even though you were having a tough time staying on the diet portion of your plan, you seem to be okay with only a 4 pound gain. You can get rid of that in no time!! Keep up the good work.