Sunday, March 30, 2008

Successful Sunday

Well, today was a 2000 calorie day so it was fairly bearable as far as the diet goes.

For my workout, I decided to go to the gym again. I just didn't feel like doing a workout video. So I went to the gym and did 40 minutes of cardio (alternating walking/running, rebounding and elliptical) followed by about 35 minutes of strength training.

Breakfast: English muffin topped with 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices of vegetarian "bacon", and some cheddar, plus 1 cup of orange juice. (585)

Lunch: 2 bowls of Golden Grahams cereal with skim milk (700) (For some reason I was craving Golden Grahams today - my favorite junk cereal).

Treat: 4 Oreos (260)

Dinner: My favorite salad (spring greens, walnuts, pears, low-fat feta cheese and oil and vinegar dressing) (515)

Total Calories: 2060

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

You did another great workout today! I love Golden Grahams too--I can't keep them in the house because I love them so much.

Nice job staying within your calorie allowance.