Friday, March 28, 2008

Back again...

Well, as you can probably guess, it's not been a good couple weeks for me on the program, hence my absence from this blog. I've been totally preoccupied with school and all the related stress. I thought most of it would die down, and a large part of it did when I finished the draft of my masters, but there is still some lingering stuff. First of all, I've had some back-and-forths with my advisor about my thesis and that is requiring a little more attention to that project (although for the most part it is done), and then, I had to move on to the paper for the class I am taking. Even though that's not a huge paper like the masters thesis,'s enough to stress me out and make me feel overwhelmed. Whenever I feel that way, it's very hard for me to concentrate on the everyday stuff, especially diet. As usual, I have been pretty good with the exercise...I've only missed a couple scheduled days of exercise. But the diet has pretty much been out the window the last couple weeks and I am starting to feel the results of that.

I will say it again, though...there really IS a light at the end of the tunnel. No matter what happens, I am completely done with school at the end of April (and I do mean completely, since I graduate!) so there will be no more school stress. Even better, I finished the paper for my class yesterday and I am not going to drive myself crazy any more with it. So really, most of the heavy school stress is behind me now and I am trying to transition myself psychologically back to being gung-ho about the program. It's really important right now because spring is coming, our cruise is coming in early May and I really want to make some serious progress before I go on that feeding frenzy of a vacation, not to mention it would be nice to feel extra good in my bathing suits and cruisewear.

Today I did Michelle Dozois' Your Best Body Circuit and I also took a 30-40 minute power walk at lunch time. I decided I am going to try to squeeze in extra exercise during the week at lunch time by taking a walk, whenever the weather permits. That'll help me reach my goals faster and undo some of the results of the slacking over the past month.

I took a couple days off from work this week (mostly to do school work) and I made it to the gym on Wednesday. It was really nice because the pool was the PERFECT temperature (i.e. not cold at all) and the jacuzzi was nice and HOT HOT HOT. I really needed that jacuzzi on Wednesday. Those hot jets felt so good on my neck and shoulders (that's where I hold tension). I felt like melted butter when I got out of there.

As for the diet, I am doing low cal today and so far, so good. I am going to make up a schedule for the next 10 days or so so I can really do my best to get back on the wagon.

Anyway, it does feel good to be back.

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

Glad to see you are back!! Good for you for finishing your paper. Good luck with your 10 day plan. I too have decided to try to walk for 30 minutes instead of taking my lunch to just eat. It is a great way to get a break from the stress of the office too!

Good luck!