Thursday, September 20, 2007

A productive day

Wednesday's Goals:
Calories: 1400
Exercise: Strength Training

Wednesday's Achievements:
Calories: 1400
Exercise: Tennis

I ended up playing tennis with hubby last night instead of doing my morning strength training. That's because I had to go into work early yesterday because of a situation that arose at work and therefore my morning was cut short and I didn't have time for exercise. I can't do strength training at night - I just don't have the energy for it (I'm a morning person) and even tennis is a challenge for me at night. Hubby and me start our tennis match with a 5-10 minute warmup - just hitting the ball back and forth and then once warmed up, we start playing. We play "first person to win 10 games" and that usually is an hour to an hour and a half. We were neck-in-neck the entire time until the very end when he won. It's fun to play with him because we're exactly the same skill level (i.e. we're both beginners) so sometimes he wins and sometimes I win.

I have never been a person who enjoy competitive sports so it's funny that I like tennis so much. When I am playing, I don't feel competive against my opponent as much as I feel competitive with myself. I like to win because I like to think I am getting better at the game.

As for my diet...I was right on target with my calories yesterday, which is always an accomplishment on the low-cal days. I had my usual protein shake for breakfast (300). For lunch I had 2 veggie dogs on whole wheat bread with cheese and mustard (440) and for dinner I decided I just wanted ice cream (I know, not healthy) so I measured out enough low-fat ice cream, banana and whipped cream to equal my remaining calories of 660.

So I wouldn't say my diet yesterday was the HEALTHIEST in the world (not a vegetable to be found!) but I did stay within my calorie limits and that's the only requirement I set for myself with my diet.

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