Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Cheesy Day

I woke up a little late this morning so I had to select from one of my shorter workouts - luckily I have a few that are about 40-45 minutes. I decided to do Tom Holland's Total Body Workout.
It's a good, challenging, total body gym-style weight training workout with cardio intervals and it's only 45 minutes. I usually rebound during the cardio segments. (Actually, I usually rebound during the cardio segments on all of my workout videos). This is a fast-moving workout that really gets me sweating, but it's not too painful since Tom is quite easy on the eyes. But man does he sweat a lot! They filmed this workout in real time with no edits and the man literally has sweat visibly dripping off his face in this workout. A little unappetizing before breakfast, but his cuteness more than makes up for it!

Today my calorie goal was 2000 but I decided to decrease it to 1900 since I went overboard a little yesterday with the hard candies. For breakfast I had - what else - a chocolate protein shake (300). For lunch I had a toasted cheese sandwich on my favorite Trader Joe's Tuscan Pane bread with mustard (570). After work I attended a seminar at the university I attend for my Masters program and had a few refreshments (350). Once I got home, I was a little too tired to cook a formal dinner, so I quickly heated up some tortilla chips topped with black beans, salsa and reduced-fat sour cream (655). And that was it for the day! I was right on target with my calories today.

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