Monday, September 24, 2007

A good day

Monday's Goals
Exercise: Strength Training
Calories: 1800

Monday's Accomplishments
Exercise: Strength Training
Calories: 1830

For my exercise I did Tracie Long Training's Finding Your Core (a challenging strength workout which utilizes the stability ball).

I went over my calorie allotment by 30 which isn't bad. Actually, I consider myself on target if I stay within 50 calories of my calorie allotment for any given day.

Anyway, I had my usual protein shake for breakfast (300). For lunch I had a pita pizza (pita topped with marinara sauce, veggies, vegetarian sausage, grated parmesan and part-skim mozzarella (495). I indulged today and had a pile of Mallomars for a treat (420) and a few hard candies (100) - can you tell I was craving sugar today? For dinner I had stuffed baked potatoes (baked potatoes topped with brocolli and cheddar) (515)


dlvblueyed said...

That sounds like a nice lunch---do you make it the night before or do you freeze the pizza? I used to do something similar with an English Muffin but they have smaller surface area.

Good for you having a sweet treat and staying within the calorie allotment!! Keep it up!

dlvblueyed said...

Good job staying on target with the calorie allotment, even with the sugar treat.

Do you make the pitas yourself? I used to do that with English muffins and freeze them, but I think your idea is better because it has more surface area. Do you make them fresh or freeze them in advance?

SassyFitnessBug said...

Hey Dlv...

I make the pita pizzas myself with the regular 6-8" pitas. I used to do the English muffin pizzas too, then I moved to bagels and now pitas. The pita comes out the most like real pizza.

I usually make the pita pizza first thing in the morning, wrap it in Pam-sprayed aluminum foil and then freeze it. By the time I leave for work an hour or so later it is frozen enough to stay pretty hard (and not become mush) during transit to work. I heat them in the toaster oven at work on 350 for about 15 minutes.