Friday, September 21, 2007

1800 and a Walk

Thursday's Goals:

Exercise: Tennis
Calories: 1800

Thursday's Accomplishments:

Exercise: Walking (3 miles)
Calories: 1800

Another successful day on my program!

Since we just played tennis on Wednesday, hubby and me decided to take a walk instead of the tennis, which was the original plan. We went to one of the local county parks and walked for about three miles. Now, I must admit, walking is not my favorite form of exercise. I find it rather boring, but it's definitely tolerable when I have a walking partner to talk with.

I was again right on target with calories. I broke my morning protein shake routine and instead had cereal with skim milk and a banana (490). For lunch I had a bowl of lentil soup and a grilled cheese sandwich (585) and a few hard candies after lunch (100). For dinner I made pasta with tomato, feta and garlic (625).

This blog is definitely helping me to be more on top of my program. Just knowing I am going to post my accomplishments (or failures) publicly makes me more adherent.

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