Sunday, September 14, 2008


I haven't written in few days and that is because I am disgusted.

My 10-day weigh in was supposed to be on Sunday the 14th, but Saturday the 13th was a planned splurge day, so I decided to weigh-in Saturday morning instead.

Well, to my utter horror - I GAINED 2 pounds over the past 8 days. GAINED! This, after 9 days of 100% diligence with both diet and exercise. This has never happened before. I thought something must be wrong with the scale so I got on and off 3 times, but same result.

I just don't get it. I mean, I can understand maybe not LOSING much, but GAINING? How is this possible?

I was so disgusted, I have been off the program the last 3 days. Tomorrow I will get back on (grudgingly) but I am going to have to work against serious psychological disgust.

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

Sorry to hear that your plan isn't going the way you intended. Perhaps you were retaining water for some reason. Try drinking some lemon water to see if it helps you shed the extra weight. I understand how you feel about being disgusted and it is okay to get frustrated. I am glad to see that you inted to get back on the track with diet and exercise this week! Good luck and I am positive that your hard work will pay off in the long run!