Monday, August 4, 2008

Coming out from under my rock...

Well, I am coming out from under my rock and showing my face again. I am ashamed to say that the past few months have not been good for me on my program and much of the progress I made has reversed itself. First, it was school. I was so consumed by it - and by writing that damned masters thesis, that the stress of it derailed me until the very end when I graduated in May (yes, I did get my masters and graduated with straight As, so there are 2 good things that came out of my fall off the wagon!)

After school ended, my intention was to get seriously back on the wagon, but around that time another stressful situation arose...we decided to put our house on the market. This wasn't just a decision, it was a major stress-fest undertaking because we then had to get the house ready for sale which involved all kinds of projects. Anyway, once the house was all straightened out and on the market, we were gearing up for a week-long vacation (which we just got back from yesterday), so to summarize, it's been non-stop stress and lack of discipline for months now. I feel so badly about sliding backwards like I did, but the good news is that I am seriously back on the wagon today.

Talk about a shock to the system! I woke up and dragged my butt into our workout room to do my first workout in over 2 weeks. I decided to choose a relatively easy workout and did WHFN's Metaboost. I really enjoy this workout and it doesn't FRY me like some of the others in my collection.

My calorie goal was 1800 today which was manageable. For breakfast I had a protein shake. For lunch I made a grilled cheese sandwich and had a few cherries afterwards. For dinner I made vegetarian stuffed peppers (which turned out FABULOUSLY!) and then had some popsicles afterwards to satisfy my sweet tooth. My total calories were right at 1800.

Now I just have to concentrate really hard on keeping my focus and moving forward with my results and keeping a positive frame of mind.

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

Great job getting back into things---keep up the exercising and I am sure it will be easier in no time!