Friday, August 15, 2008

Successful Thursday

Thursday was a good day on the program and I was proud of myself because I REALLLLY felt like overdoing the calories (esp. after dinner), but I didn't. I think knowing that today (Friday) is my "spluge day" was enough to keep me on the ball.

I didn't feel like working out, but I mustered up enough motivation to do Michelle Dozois' Your Best Body Circuit. It felt a little more difficult to me than usual this time but I got through it. I rebounded during the cardio segments because I enjoy rebounding better than standard cardio.

My calorie goal was 1500 and I was right on target. I had a homemade Egg McMuffin for breakfast, a pita pizza topped with chopped veggies for lunch, a cup of chopped watermelon for snack (yum!) and I made a nice dinner of baked/breaded tilapia (used panko bread crumbs and fresh herbs in the breading which made it extra good), corn on the cob and a side of broccoli and carrots. My total was 1525 for the day.

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

Good for you for keeping within the limit!! Now you will be able to enjoy your spurge day with no guilt!! Great job with the exercise too. You are really motivating me to get back on track!