Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sickly Sunday

Well, I've been a bit under the weather the last couple of days and as a result, I have not been up for exercising or calorie counting. The good news is, I haven't really been off the wagon that badly (i.e. going haywire)...I simply have not had the energy or wherewithall to be diligent on the program.

Today I was feeling a little better so I did manage to track my calories. I didn't do a formal workout, but I was very active today...I did a LOT of housework - decluttering and reorganizing. Major spring cleaning.

Today's Calorie Goal: 1400

Breakfast: Protein shake (300)
Lunch: Vegetarian pizza "burger" with fried onions and mozzarella cheese on whole wheat bread (452)
Junk: Ice Cream Cone (348), Doritos (300)

No calories left for dinner.

Total Calories: 1400

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

it seems that even for a sick day you did well in the calorie department. Good job and hope you are feeling better soon!