Thursday, April 3, 2008


Today's workout goal was strength training. After standing in front of my video cabinet for 5 minutes not feeling like doing any of the workouts, I finally selected The Firm: Tortoise which is one of the older Firms - and a really good one. I rebounded through the corny "ballroom aerobics" sections, though. I just can't stomach that cheesiness first thing in the morning.

I had to move some calorie values around this month so today's calorie allotment was 2000.

Breakfast: the usual chocolate banana protein shake (300)

Lunch: out to lunch with co-workers for Thai food. 1 cup cream of mushroom soup (200), 3 pieces of fried tofu with dipping sauce (126), tilapia with sweet sauce with a side of about 1.5 cups white rice (508)

Treat: Ben & Jerry's ice cream in a waffle cone (900)

No Dinner

Total Calories: 2034

(I calculated all these values using Calorie King and I think they are fairly good estimates).

1 comment:

dlvblueyed said...

Sounds like a great lunch! I know what you mean about the cheee factor of the instructors. I like aerobics and even I can't handle the smiling throught the whole workout. Keep up the good work!