Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Back on Track

Sorry I haven't checked in in awhile, but things have been a little hectic again and I've been having a hard time concentrating.

Mostly what has been taking up my concentration is finalizing my masters thesis. My advisor and I have been going back and forth for the last month or so and these past few days I have been working to get that thing finalized and approved. The good news is....yesterday I submitted my final revisions and he sent me a message saying my project is approved "with distinction"! So I am taking that to mean it's considered above average. To say I am relieved and happy is an understatement. This project has been the equivalent of carrying around a 100 pound weight on my shoulders and now it has been lifted!!! The only thing remaining as far as that project goes is that I have to give a 10 minute presentation (along with some other students who are finishing up their masters) on the 22nd. No big deal. I just hope I can put together a decent, fairly comprehensive summary in 10 minutes. It's a 50 page paper!

Another huge relief occurred just yesterday. My advisor is also the professor who teaches the class I am taking. He said he took a look at my paper (which I recently finished and put up on a web site) and he says it looks "great". So I think I can safely say that that project is now officially behind me.

As for the diet and exercise, I have to admit it has not been good the past few days. I've only been about 50% compliant with the exercise (yes, I know that is unusual for me) and the diet has been out the window. HOWEVER, today is a new day and psychologically, I am feeling like my life is regaining some semblance of normality and there's definitely a big reduction in stress now, so I am really going to try to be back on track.


dlvblueyed said...

Glad you are finally "free" and can be less overwhelmed with school work. Good luck as you get back on track!

dlvblueyed said...

I hope now that you have successfully completed the projects that have been hanging over your shoulders that you continue to be successful with your exercise and diet goals!